Mado Hamlet - Live Works


Serenbe - Chatt Hills, Ga

Legend has it, these six lots were once considered the least buildable in all the land. “Left-overs! Bah! Rubbish! coughed the plebians. The team at LA™ accepted the challenge and worked tirelessly for fortnight after fortnight to make the impossible possible. Alas, trends aside, here stands a monument to rusted steel and black brick. As if carved from the rolling hills themselves, the six well proportioned mixed use buildings blend seamlessly into the context of tall pines, quaint shotguns, pastel pink pool houses and open air mailboxes. If you ever find yourself enjoying a plate of steak and eggs at Halsa, take note of the 12:12 pitch, the subtle cantilevers, the precast sills!

we're gonna need a detail for that guard rail
~ricky starr